Thursday, April 24, 2008

I back

Wow! Already a month (only 3 days less)? Anyway, I'm back now, having been busy changing my life meanwhile. I just couldn't hold this funny picture from the Hitman movie (I discovered you can do snapshots with VLC player and watching that movie I just knew where to take) to my self... (look at the face of the cold-blooded killer character running away from the explosion of his own bomb ;))

BTW this day was one of the coolest days of my life coz I got 18! We had some eating together with the family but the most interesting part of the celebration - going to the nightclub with my friend - lays still ahead in the weekend...


dued8jam said...

HAppy BIrthday:) I hope you had a good one!

BTw, I have added you in my xlink so it'll be easy for me to visit your blog when you have new posts;)